Wednesday, July 13, 2016

leisure time

Leisure time is a fantastic recovery tool. It is the intentional act of having fun just for the sake of fun. It is essential to having balance in life. When you have a mental health diagnosis, you spend a lot of time “working” your recovery. This can get tiresome real fast. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to manage symptoms, medications, doctor appointments, etc. Add to that the non-mental health responsibilities like paying bills, keeping your home clean, family obligations, friends, work, and so on. A person can burn out real quick without an intentional plan for fun.

In my opinion, intentional recreation activities are as important as any other coping mechanism like getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising, taking meds, etc. Scheduling tome to must have fun re-energizes you. It puts your circumstances into perspective. Leisure time fives you a break from your trials and tribulations. It actually gives you the strength to manage your struggles. By taking time to take “good” care of yourself, you lower your stress level so that when things get hairy you are less likely to break down. When you have fun things planned you are motivated by them. You have something to look forward to and can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Living with a mental illness can be draining. We spend so much time managing the devastating effects of our illness and navigating circumstances surrounding our illness that we sometimes forget about fun. Sometimes it’s like we are afraid if we let down our guard everything will fall apart. Well, everything will not fall apart-it will fall together.

Where do you begin if it’s been a while since you had fun? Start with a list of things you used to do for fun and add to it things you might like to try. If you get stuck, refer to your local newspaper for upcoming happenings, clubs, support groups, etc. Don’t stop there. Once you have your list, create a plan with deadlines to hold you accountable. Commit to at least one activity a week that will totally be about fun. Be sure to invite someone to join you, that way you are less likely to back out of it.

Be gentle with yourselves and have fun!

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